Work-based learning opens up possibilities


In the working life collaboration, companies also see benefits in providing opportunities for on-the-job learning. Collaboration with vocational institutes can be the key to ensuring labor force in the future. On-the-job training can be a way to develop or deepen the skills of the work community or to acquire additional manpower.

Vocational education and training is competence-based and customer-oriented. Guided and goal-oriented studying at the workplace is called work-based learning/on-the-job learning. Students are motivated learning through practical work tasks. 

What is required for the working place?

Teacher is responsible for ensuring that the workplace is well-suited for the acquisition of targeted learning outcomes and complies with occupational safety and liability guidelines.

Learning and tutoring are part of work

Tutoring is part of today’s professionalism and an essential part of learning. It is the role of teachers and workplace tutors to guide the learning process. Collaboration and the skills of both parties are needed. The pedagogical skills of teachers relate to the learning process and the assessment of learning, while the workplace tutor concentrates on guiding work processes, monitoring and assessing learning at the workplace. The collaboration creates a win-win situation.

In the development of working life-oriented competence, tutoring has an important role. As vocational education and training is more and more focused on workplaces, joint objectives and planning are needed to implement learning and develop competence.


Close collaboration and dialogue produce and develop skilled professionals that the work community, education establishments and the professionals themselves can be proud of.

Learning and inspiring work communities can utilise their competence best in the assurance of professional skills.



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