The teacher and networks supporting the workplace tutor

Tutoring a student at the workplace has previously been viewed as a task to be assigned to one workplace tutor. However, ideas about tutoring have changed. It is now considered a collective activity in which many kinds of knowledge meet and support each other.

Many tutors have felt left alone in their role as an a workplace tutor. The support of a supervisor and the arrangements for tutoring have been insufficient.

The collaboration between the teacher and the workplace tutor has not always answered the questions of everyday activities at the workplaces, and tutoring has not always been shared.

Collaboration between the teacher and the workplace tutor

The collaboration between the teacher and the workplace tutor is of primary importance. You can communicate during the teacher’s workplace visits or through electronic tools. As a workplace tutor, you have to be aware of what is learnt at the educational institute to be able to support the learner in applying this knowledge at the workplace.

When the teacher knows what the learner does and what kinds of work tasks have been arranged, he/she can guide the student towards the qualification and support you in your tutoring task. The teacher makes workplace visits and gets acquainted with the student’s work tasks. As a tutor, you should also participate in these meetings.

Support provided by the educational institute

Despite a good plan, everything will not always succeed. The challenging situations may relate to the student, the tutoring relationship, the arrangements at the workplace or the collaboration between the educational institute and the workplace.

The multi-professional network of the educational institute assists the workplace in things concerning the student or relating to learning or operating in working life. Professionals providing special support bring to the workplace their knowledge in things that are not properly part of the operations and tasks of workplaces. The sooner problematic issues are clarified, the sooner they are resolved. Contact the teacher in good time, and he/she will then carry the matter forward.

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