Planning the demonstration


The competence and skills required by qualification units in vocational training are demonstrated by performing practical work tasks in genuine work assignments and processes (competence demonstration). The competence of the student is assessed by a representative from working life and a teacher.

The competence demonstration is organized when the student has gained vocational competence requirement and is prepared for the demonstration. Together with the workplace instructor, teacher ensures that the student is ready to demonstrate their competence and has the necessary level of skill.

Planning together

The teacher is responsible for planning the competence demonstration carried out in the workplace together with the student and the workplace instructor and agreeing on a preliminary schedule (PCDP). Teacher also confirms the suitability of the workplace and the representative of working life for the competence assessment.

Qualification requirements set the guidelines for the planning and the planning is made by each unit. One or more competence demonstrations may be organised for one qualification unit to prove competence.

The competence demonstration may potentially be continued at another workplace or on another worksite so that the sufficient coverage of the demonstration is ensured and so that the assessment may be carried out reliably.


Plan and agree on


  • the demonstration dates
  • what is demonstrated and arrangements
  • authentic environment for competence demonstration
  • if there’s need for any competence assessment modifications or deviations from the competence requirement
  • assessors of competence

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